Question 1: What do you mean by the term thread? How do we start it? Name the two methods by which we might stop the threads?
Question 2: Explain the complete life cycle of a thread.
Question 3: What do you mean by the term synchronization? When do we employ it?
Question 4: How do we set up the priorities for threads?
Question 5: Every call to wait consists of a corresponding call to notify which will finally end the waiting. Illustrate True/False.
Question 6: Declaring a method synchronized guarantees which the deadlock can’t take place. Illustrate True/False.
Question 7: A thread wishes to make a second thread ineligible for the execution. To accomplish this, the first thread can call the yield( ) method on the second thread. Illustrate True/False.
Question 8: A thread can build a second thread ineligible for the execution by calling suspend( ) method on the second thread. Illustrate True/False.
Question 9: The sleep( ) method must be enclosed in try...catch block. Illustrate True/False.
Question 10: The yield( ) method should be enclosed in try...catch block. Illustrate True/False.