
Multiplexer-its truth table and logic diagram

Question 1: Design and describe 4- line to 16 line decoder with 74138.

Question 2:

a) Design 4:1 Mux with logic diagram and symbolic representation.

b) Convert the binary numbers to gray codes using Ex-OR gates

• 1001
• 11001111
• 10000001
• 10011

Question 3:

a) Draw the logic diagram of 74x283 IC and describe the operation?

b) Write brief notes on BCD to binary converter?

Question 4:

a) Design a 3 input 5 output multiplexer? Write the truth table and draw the logic diagram.

b) Write brief notes on full subtractor.

Question 5:

a) Give the logic diagram of 74x147 and describe its truth table?

b) Write brief notes on half subtractor?

Question 6:

a) Design a 2-bit comparator by using logic gates and draw its logic diagram.

b) Describe BCD to 7-segment decoder with the help of a truth table.

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Electrical Engineering: Multiplexer-its truth table and logic diagram
Reference No:- TGS03623

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