
Multiple regression model building


Q1. A real estate builder wishes to determine how house size (House) is influenced by family income (Income), family size (Size), and education of the head of household (School). House size is measure in hundreds of square feet, income is measured in thousands of dollars, and education is measured in years. The builder randomly selected 50 families and ran the multiple regression. The business literature involving human capital shows that education influences an individual's annual income. Combined, these may influence family size. With this in mind, what should the real estate builder be particularly concerned with when analyzing the multiple regression model?

a. Randomness of error terms

b. Collinearity

c. Normality of residuals

d. Missing observations

Q2. A microeconomist wants to determine how corporate sales are influenced by capital and wage spending by companies. She proceeds to randomly select 26 large corporations and record information in millions of dollars. A statistical analyst discover that capital spending by corporations has a significant inverse relationship with wage spending. What should the microeconomist who developed this multiple regression model be particularly concerned with?

a. Randomness of error terms

b. Collinearity

c. Normality of residuals

d. Missing observations

Q3. The Variance Inflationary Factor (VIF) measures the

a. correlation of the X variables with the Y variable.

b. contribution of each X variable with the Y variable after all other X variables are included in the model.

c. correlation of the X variables with each other.

d. standard deviation of the slope.

Q4. In multiple regression, the __________ procedure permits variables to enter and leave the model at different stages of its development.

a. forward selection

b. residual analysis

c. backward elimination

d. stepwise regression

Q5. Which of the following is not used to find a "best" model?

a. adjusted r2

b. Mallow's Cp

c. odds ratio

d. all of the above

Q6. The logarithm transformation can be used

a. to overcome violations of the autocorrelation assumption.

b. to test for possible violations of the autocorrelation assumption.

c. to change a linear independent variable into a nonlinear independent variable.

d. to change a nonlinear model into a linear model.

Q7. The Cp statistic is used

a. to determine if there is a problem of collinearity.

b. if the variances of the error terms are all the same in a regression model.

c. to choose the best model.

d. to determine if there is an irregular component in a time series.

Q8. Which of the following is used to determine observations that have an influential effect on the fitted model?

a. Cook's distance statistic

b. Durbin-Watson statistic

c. variance inflationary factor

d. the Cp statistic

Q9. An auditor for a county government would like to develop a model to predict the county taxes based on the age of single-family houses. A random sample of 19 single-family houses has been selected, with the results as shown below (and also in the data file TAXES on your



Taxes           Age of House

925                           1

870                           2

809                           4

720                           4

694                           5

630                           8

626                          10

562                          10

546                          12

523                          15

480                          20

486                          22

462                          25

441                          25

426                          30

368                          35

350                          40

348                          50

322                          50

Assuming a quadratic relationship between the age of the house and the county taxes, which of the following is the best prediction of the average county taxes for a 20-year old house?

a. $557.30

b. $481.25

c. $480.60

d. $479.15

Q10. An econometrician is interested in evaluating the relation of demand for building materials to mortgage rates in Los Angeles and San Francisco. He believes that the appropriate model is

Y = 10 + 5X1 + 8X2

Where  X1 = mortgage rate in %

            X2 = 1 if San Francisco, 0 if LA

           Y = demand in $100 per capita

Referring to the information above, holding constant the effect of city, each additional increase of 1% in the mortgage rate would lead to an estimated increase of ________ in the mean demand.

a. $10

b. $50

c. $60

d. $500

Q11. Referring to the information in #10 above, the fitted model for predicting demand in Los Angeles is ________.

a. 10 + 5X1

b. 10 + 13X1

c. 15 + 8X2

d. 18 + 5X2

Q12. In Hawaii, condemnation proceedings are underway to enable private citizens to own the property that their homes are built on. Until recently, only estates were permitted to own land, and homeowners leased the land from the estate. In order to comply with the new law, a large Hawaiian estate wants to use regression analysis to estimate the fair market value of the land. Each of the following 3 models were fit to data collected for n = 20 properties, 10 of which are located near a cove.

Model 1: Y = β0 + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + β3 X1X2 + β4 X12 + β5 X12X2 + ε

where Y = Sale price of property in thousands of dollars

    X1 = Size of property in thousands of square feet

     X2 = 1 if property located near cove, 0 if not using the data collected for the 20 properties, the following partial output obtained from Microsoft Excel is shown:


Regression Statistics

Multiple R            0.985

R Square              0.970

Standard Error     9.5

Observations       20


                     Df                   SS          MS           F              Signif F

Regression   5                 28324      5664        62.2           0.0001

Residual        14                1279         91

Total             19               29063

                   Coeff           StdError              t                 Stat p-value

Intercept        -32.1             35.7              -0.90             0.3834

Size               12.2              5.9               2.05               0.0594

Cove            -104.3            53.5             -1.95             0.0715

Size*Cove       17.0             8.5               1.99              0.0661

SizeSq         -0.3                0.2              -1.28              0.2204

SizeSq*Cove -0.3               0.3              -1.13              0.2749

Referring to Table, given a quadratic relationship between sale price (Y) and property size (X1), what null hypothesis would you test to determine whether the curves differ from cove and non-cove properties?

a. H0 : β2 = β3 = β5 = 0

b. H0 : β3 = β5 = 0

c. H0 : β4 = β5 = 0

d. H0 : β2 = 0

Q13. Referring to Table, is the overall model statistically adequate at a 0.05 level of significance for predicting sale price (Y)?

a. No, since some of the t-tests for the individual variables are not significant.

b. No, since the standard deviation of the model is fairly large.

c. Yes, since none of the β-estimates are equal to 0.

d. Yes, since the p-value for the test is smaller than 0.05.

Q14. The method of moving averages is used

a. to plot a series.

b. to exponentiate a series.

c. to smooth a series.

d. in regression analysis.

Q15. When using the exponentially weighted moving average for purposes of forecasting rather than smoothing,

a. the previous smoothed value becomes the forecast.

b. the current smoothed value becomes the forecast.

c. the next smoothed value becomes the forecast.

d. None of the above.

Q16. In selecting an appropriate forecasting model, the following approaches are suggested:

a. Perform a residual analysis.

b. Measure the size of the forecasting error.

c. Use the principle of parsimony.

d. All of the above.

Q17. To assess the adequacy of a forecasting model, one measure that is often used is

a. quadratic trend analysis.

b. the MAD.

c. exponential smoothing.

d. moving averages.

Q18. A model that can be used to make predictions about long-term future values of a time series is

a. linear trend.

b. quadratic trend.

c. exponential trend.

d. All of the above.

Q19. You need to decide whether you should invest in a particular stock. You would like to invest if the price is likely to rise in the long run. You have data on the daily average price of this stock over the past 12 months. Your best action is to

a. compute moving averages.

b. perform exponential smoothing.

c. estimate a least square trend model.

d. compute the MAD statistic.

Q20. Which of the following statements about moving averages is not true?

a. It can be used to smooth a series.

b. It gives equal weight to all values in the computation.

c. It is simpler than the method of exponential smoothing.

d. It gives greater weight to more recent data.

Q21. The following table contains the number of complaints received in a department store for the first 6 months of last year.


Month                   Complaints

January                        36

February                      45

March                          81

April                            90

May                            108

June                            144__

Referring to the Table above, if a three-term moving average is used to smooth this series, what would be the second calculated term?

a. 36

b. 40.5

c. 54

d. 72

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Basic Statistics: Multiple regression model building
Reference No:- TGS01933160

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