
Multicultural issues

Model of Helping Paper 1700-2100 word paper (not including required title page and references) on your personal model of helping. This must incorporate learning from this course and discuss how and why you have, at this point in your development, formed your viewpoint(s) using the theories and techniques reviewed in the course. This is not just an opinion piece based on your ideas and/or experience, although these are important and can be used in the paper for illustration. You are encouraged to go beyond the models and theories presented in the course, but make sure that you properly cite your sources. This can be an initially daunting task, so do not hesitate to reach out to all of us through postings to the Main forum with questions, ideas, musings, and the like around this activity. See the Scoring Rubrics thread in the Course Materials forum for specific details on this assignment. They include:
• How and why you formed this viewpoint
• Your view of helping
• The relationship between the clinician and the participant
• Techniques or approaches to change
• The kinds of problems that can be addressed with your model
• Multicultural issues
• Limitations and strengths of the model
• The populations that this model can help 
• A coherent model that is consistent, shows adequate understanding of the material presented in the workshop, and reflects the ability to integrate and synthesize the course material.
• Original thinking

The paper must include at least three (3) professional references, one (1) of which can be the text

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Term Paper: Multicultural issues
Reference No:- TGS067221

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