multi tasking environmentmulti tasking exploits

Multi Tasking Environment

Multi tasking exploits parallelism by:

1)  Concurrently using the multiple functional units

2)  Pipelining functional units are pipe line together

3)  Overlapping CPU and I/O activities.

In multitasking environment, there should be a proper mix among task and data structures of a job, in order to make sure their proper parallel implementation.

In multitasking, the useful code of a programme can be use again. The property of allowing one copy of a programme module to be used by more than task in parallel is known as reentrancy.  Non-reentrant code can be used only once throughout lifetime of the programme. The reentrant codes, which may be called many times by dissimilar tasks, are assigned with local variables.


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Computer Networking: multi tasking environmentmulti tasking exploits
Reference No:- TGS0208341

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