
Multi-bogie-multi-wheel landing gear system of mega airliner

Question1)(a) Draw a neat sketch of a standby magnetic compass and explain the principle of operation of a remote reading compass.

b) Define Magnetic North, Magnetic deviation, Magnetic dip.

c) State the various errors, one encounters in a gyro compass. How are they corrected

Question 2) Enumerate the various components that comprise of a multi-bogie ,multi-wheel landing gear system of a mega airliner .

b) Briefly explain

i) W O W Switch

ii) Landing Gear Position Indicators

iii) Automatic Brake Management

iv) Carbon Brakes

Question 3) Write short notes on the following:

a) Octane Rating & Performance Number

b) Valve timings in IC Engine

c) Supercharging

d) Knocking and its relevance to compression ratio

e) Bypass Ratio

f) Compressor air bleed valves

g) Thrust Reversers

h) Thrust Vector Control

Question 4) Enumerate the various subsystems of an air-conditioning system and explain any one of them.

Question 5) Write an essay on the airborne communication/Navigation systems normally equipped in an airliner class transport airplane.

Question 6) Explain briefly:

a) Transformer rectifier units

b) Battery chargers

c) Protection devices in aircraft electrical system

d) Generator Control & Regulating Devices

e) More Electric Aircraft

f) Auxiliary Power Unit

g) Ni Cad Batteries

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Physics: Multi-bogie-multi-wheel landing gear system of mega airliner
Reference No:- TGS04452

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