Question 1: Describe the sub clutter visibility.
Question 2: What do you mean by the term staggered PRF?
Question 3: Describe the operation of MTI radar with the help of block diagram.
Question 4: MTI radar is operated at 9GHz with a PRF of 3000 pps. Compute the first two lowest blind speeds for this radar. Derive the formula employed.
Question 5: Why is the range gating essential in the MTI radar?
Question 6: What do you mean by non coherent MTI radar?
Question 7: An aircraft is flying at a speed of 250 Km/h. Calculate the Doppler frequency for the radar operating at a wavelength of 5 cm.
Question 8: Derive an expression for the blind speeds of MTI radar. Describe the effect of large wavelength and large PRF on lowest blind speed of target.
Question 9: What are the benefits of the staggered prf?
Question 10: What do you mean by blind speed in the MTI radar? Find out the method of overcoming blind speed problem?