Submit your solution document in the form of a single ZIP file on or before the cut-off date shown above.
Please follow the instructions on the filename convention, it is important!
You must implement your assignment in a single C file. This is necessary to expedite compiling for this assignment.
File name:
{surname}_{firstnames}_tma.c Example
1. Please make sure your code must compile and run, on the suggested platform in class.
2. Include all class libraries and header files used. Zip your files together with the C file.
3. Remember to provide comments to your code.
4. Finally, submit your single ZIP file.
Question 1
Assemble an OpenGL/GLUT application in C++ that does the following:
(a) Using Open GL, create a resizeable window (resizing using mouse).
(b) Implement display function to draw the following 3D objects. Illustrate the objects in white on a black background. The objects should be drawn in a size relative to the window. For example, if the window is made smaller, the objects should be drawn smaller and vice-versa:
(i) Pyramid
(ii) Cube
(c) Develop the following keyboard control:
- Press Escape key to exit the application
- Press ‘c' key to display the Cube and not the Pyramid
- Press ‘p' key to display the Pyramid and not the Cube
- Press ‘a' key to display both the Cube and the Pyramid
(d) Employ more advanced computer graphics concepts by including the following features in your program.
(i) Create a color cube using one color for each vertices of the cube, and using a bilinear color interpolation method.

(ii) Modify the program to rotate only the cube about any axis, whether with both objects displayed or only the cube displayed. This rotation should be started or stopped by the left mouse button.
(e) Appraise your code with clear comments, and ensure that your answers are explained in simple terms.