
Mtcm5049what are the specifications for your site and what


To develop Link budget in the design of RF and Microwave Communications Systems for various propagation models depending on the topographical environment.


To produce a report of 500 words, based on theory studied during the class lectures and laboratory tasks applying the following fields of studies in the design of a RF/Microwave System;

Electromagnetic Theory
Mathematical Models of EM Waves
Transmission Lines Theory
Wave propagation through different materials
Standing Waves
Antenna Theory
Antenna Characteristics Parameters
Antenna Types and Radiation Pattern
Propagation Models
Link Budget
Power Estimation and ManagementBackground:

The students have developed basic understanding of Electromagnetic Theory, EM Wave Propagation and Antennas. Students have carried out various laboratory tasks on MATLAB and FESTO Microwave Engineering Equipment. This report is required to be comprehensively comprised of all Theoretical and Practical knowledge gained and apply to a practical scenario as assigned.

Equipment/Simulation Tools:

FESTO Microwave Engineering


Class Lectures
MATLAB Procedures
FESTO Equipment procedures as prescribed in the Students Manuals.
Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this assignment, students will be expected, at threshold level, be able to apply the theoretical knowledge to a practical design in view of Link Budget for various Propagation models.


Mobile Site Engineering: Imagine that you need to provide mobile connectivity for a 5km grid area, and you may only have two base station sites. Choose oneof the following technologies:

- LTE,
- 3G,
- WiMAX,
- GSMand,( my choice)
- City (outdoor propagation).
Using EDX SignalPro, answer the following questions:

a) What are the specifications for your site and what are your link budget requirements?
b) What is the signal strength around the area (measure both uplink and downlink for multipoint)?
c) How much can the signal strength be effected by having different propagation modules?
For your comparison, choose one of the following:

- Free Space +RMD and COST 231-Hata models
- Free Space +RMD and Anderson 2D, terrain + clutter
- Free Space +RMD and FCC+RMD
- COST 231-Hata and ITU-R-370
- COST 231-Hata and ITU-R-452

d) Show how Antennas with different in directional angles and patterns might enhance the signal strength for the coverage as well as the uplinks/downlinks between base stations and mobile devices?

Note that 2 sites (base stations) will only cover most of the area (5km grid) with less overlapping in between and mobile devices can be reached within different distance and power.

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Other Engineering: Mtcm5049what are the specifications for your site and what
Reference No:- TGS02593738

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