
Msc major project - mechanical and manufacturing

Project Title: Feasibility study of a camera system for quality control in composite manufacturing.

Create an Experimental plan to investigate the Feasibility of a proposed Camera System to measure composite orientation.
Create a test rig.
To process and Evaluate data in MATLAB.

Literature review of current carbon fiber measurement systems.
Setup of a test rig to evaluate the proposed machine vision systems.
Build and experimental evaluation of a camera network for 3D fiber measurement.

Project Outline and Objectives

The major project is the single most important element in the assessment of performance for the Masters Programme. It follows that students should choose their project carefully to ensure that the maximum benefit can be obtained, and that a high level of commitment and motivation is maintained throughout.

In the case of projects associated with a company the University will attempt to meet confidentiality requirements and matters relating to Intellectual Property Rights and commercial sensitivity. The Programme Director will arrange for confidentiality documents to be signed by the Registrar. Supervisors do not have the right to sign such documents. Part-time students should normally be able to identify a mentor at a senior level within their employing organisation.

The major project accounts for 60 credits.

Assessment will be against a marking scheme, pre-agreed prior to start of the project. The assessment will be 100% final report and viva. The objective of both the final report is to concisely present the project in a readable form, and to provide a basis for the measurement of the student's level of progression and professional competence.

The purpose of the viva is to assess the student's ability to communicate the project goals and outcomes. The format will be nominally be an hour long at the most which will consist of presentation of project details and results to the supervisor and the 2nd reader combined with question and answer session.

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Case Study: Msc major project - mechanical and manufacturing
Reference No:- TGS02876346

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