
Ms riley has recently begun teaching a class of third-grade

Case 2 Scenario: Ms. Riley

Ms. Riley has recently begun teaching a class of third-grade children. This is a very energetic class that has tried the patience of many teachers. In fact, Ms. Riley is the third teacher the school has asked to teach this class during this academic year. To make matters worse, the majority of students did not earn passing marks on a state-administered exam of basic skills. Ms. Riley believes the primary problem is class time lost to constant disruption. Some of the major problems in the classroom include: fighting; yelling out answers/questions; failing to remain seated during work times; and failure to complete in-class assignments.
Ms. Riley contacted an ABA professional to develop some effective behavior modification methods that would help the class settle down and be able to learn. The behaviorist recommended a token economy system in which Ms. Riley would contract with the students on desired behaviors. Each day that went without incident would allow the class to earn a puzzle piece that would be glued to the classroom wall. When the entire puzzle became complete, the entire class would be treated to a pizza party and would not have homework for two weekends in a row.

Discuss the rationale for the behaviorist's recommendation of a token economy system to help Ms. Riley with her class.

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Other Subject: Ms riley has recently begun teaching a class of third-grade
Reference No:- TGS0761812

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