
Mrkt 410 7980 consumer behaviormrkt 395 7980 managing

Please I need good and quality answers. Also please I want good citation and good references. I want it in APA format. Good quantity, best quality and best citation and references. Also use a citation machine for the reference

MRKT 410 7980 Consumer Behavior




https://www.uamsibiu.ro/publicatii/Series%20A%20-%20Economic%20Sciences/2009%20vol2%20no4%20web 2009%20vol2%20no4%20EcSci%2010%20Paper%20Munthiu.pdf

Now, go to Learning Resources tab (below) for rest of readings. Below are the learning resources:

This resource provides an outline of the consumer decision process in five stages. You may wish to pay special attention to Section F and its table as a helpful desktop reference.


Read this article for a detailed explanation of the problem recognition process, the first stage in the five-stage decision making process.


This resource is a solid review of the consumer decision process and includes a helpful flow chart.


In Academic Participation Discussion, the Consumer Decision Process will be outlined, explored and exemplified. Based on the Learning Resources located in the classroom, please answer the following questions.

1) Let's explore what the Consumer Decision Process is by examining a recent purchase that you have made. This should be a purchase that involved (in some detail) each of the five stages. This means it's a past purchase (because you need to reflect on the last stage; Postpurchase). Organize this part of your post using these specific headings:
1-A) Problem Recognition
1-B) Information Search
1-C) Alternative Evaluation
1-D) Purchase
1-E) Postpurchase

Within each heading take us through this single purchase experience. USE CONCEPTS from the readings (placing the concepts in bold), to describe some of your observations. Here are some required concepts that should be used for each of the above:
Problem Recognition: What is the desired state? What is the actual state? (use brands to describe these states). Identify the motive that is underlying this purchase.
Information Search: Did you conduct Internal Search? External Search? or both? Identify and give examples of the type of search to support.

Alternative Evaluation: What evaluative criteria for the purchase did you identify? Was there a difference between Salient and Determinant attributes? What brands existed in your evoked set?
Purchase: In the readings there were considerations and influences for the purchase stage. Identify the ones that influenced your choice of how to buy the product.

Postpurchase: Are you satisfied? Ideally, the actual state and desired state put forth in Problem Recognition should come together (hope becomes reality). In other words, did this purchase solve all your needs AND did the product/brand live up to it's promises. Last, did you suffer any Cognitive Dissonance (Buyer's Remorse)?

2) Identify the LEVEL of Involvement from the purchase explored above. Explain (in detail) why you advocate that specific level.
3) Identify the Problem Solving Method. Was it Extended, Limited or Routine (support and explain why)?
4) Identify a purchase that you decided NOT to go through with (see the concept No Consumer Action in the reading). What are the reasons (see the concepts)?

Be sure to organize your post using the letters above that correspond to each question. Use paragraph form to respond. Better responses include citations (end/foot notes) from the readings. Outside research is strongly encouraged just be sure to cite within the text response and provide the whole citation entry at the bottom of the post.

MRKT 395 7980 Managing Customer Relationships Trust and Privacy

One of the most visible and contentious issues today is privacy on the internet. We have seen examples of how private and potentially harmful information has been collected and subsequent released. We know that some consumers are so concerned with privacy that they are reluctant to do business on the net.
Read Esther Dyson's article found at:


Based on your reading of the article as well as your own perspective regarding the topic of privacy on the internet, react to the followiong questions.

1. Who owns a customer's information? Who should profit from it? How would that work?

2. Is anonymity the best solution to privacy?

3. What is the difference between privacy and data security, and how should that difference affect the way we use customer data?

4. Compare the situation of Big Business versus Big Brother having detailed information about you.
Feel free to comment on any aspect of privacy on the Internet not discussed directly by the article.

BMGT 464 7980 Organizational Behavior

Readings to answer the question:

Saylor, Organizational Behavior
• Chapter : Theories of Motivation
Decoding Generational Differences
7 Surprising Ways To Motivate Millennial Workers
Motivating Older Workers
Employees Most Value Salary and Quality of Life
What motivates employees? A comparison of US and Chinese responses
• Motivation, Success, Greatness -Will Smith
• What Drives Motivation in the Modern Workplace?
Also view and read this below as well, will provide instructions on how to open that in your email


LA1 Question
Our text provides us with needs-based and process-based theories of motivation. Design your own motivational theory choosing elements from the multiple models given in our text (choose more than one). Explain the basis of your theory using our text concepts and give examples from your own observations, experiences and our text. In your description, remember to tie in perception from week 2. Also don't forget how cultural values fit in. Tell us why you think your model would be effective in the workplace?

LA2 Question
You see we have readings this week on generational cohorts. The US presently faces the most age-diverse workplace it has ever seen. Adding to this, Gen Y (Millennials) are a global cohort. Through technology, some general attitudes of this generation now pervade cultures around the world, even those collectivist cultures where hierarchy and obedience are important. After reading our articles on generational cohorts this week, how would you recommend motivating an age-diverse workforce?
APA style citations in-text (in paragraph) and reference list is required. Wherever ideas informed your own, cite in paragraph even if not quoting word-for-word.

Use our text and at least two other weekly content materials to explain or defend your points. Your initial response should be at least 300 words in length in each LAs to earn any points.

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