Question - Mr. Stevens owns 100% of the shares of Stevens Holdings Inc. (SHI) which owns 100% of Fancy Operating Ltd. (FOL). Both SHI and FOL have a December 31 year-end.
The following information pertains to the December 31, 2016 year-ends:
(Neither company paid any dividends in 2015).
Stevens Holdings Inc.
- balance in refundable dividend tax on hand account at December 31, 2015 was $8,000
- received taxable dividend from FOL of $75,000
- received taxable dividend from Canadian Pacific Ltd. of $8,000 on October 31, 2016
- earned interest income of $12,000
- realized a capital gain of $42,000
- paid a capital dividend of $10,500 and a taxable dividend of $50,000 to Mr. Stevens on February 15, 2016
Fancy Operating Ltd.
- balance in refundable dividend tax on hand account at December 31, 2015 was $2,000
- earned active business income of $80,000 and interest income of $7,000
- paid taxable dividends to SHI of $75,000 on July 15, 2016
(i) Calculate the dividend refund for FOL for 2016.
(ii) Calculate the Part IV tax for SHI for 2016.
(iii) Calculate the dividend refund for SHI for 2016.