Mr long runs a chain of outlet stores called cheap ware cw

Mr. Long runs a chain of outlet stores called Cheap Ware (CW). Currently CW uses only equity capital. Mr. Long was approached by representatives from Lenders Inc. who have pointed out to him that his cost of unlevered equity capital is 11% and the cost of debt capital is only 7%. The reps said his company (which produces after-tax operating cash flows of $1.2 million per year) would benefit from using some debt. They recommend that he issues $2 million worth of bonds and use the entire proceeds to repurchase $2 million worth of its own stocks. Assume that both the firm’s cash flows and the debt are perpetual, and Cheap Ware’s marginal corporate tax rate is 35%.

a) What is the current value of the firm without debt?

b) If Mr. Long follows Lenders Inc.’s plan, what will be the cost of equity capital, the after-tax WACC, and the total value of the firm?

c) What would be the value of the firm under the proposal from Lenders if interest expenses were not tax deductible? What would be the cost of equity capital in that case (i.e., what would be the cost of equity if Mr. Long followed Lenders’ advice even though interest expenses were not tax deductible)?

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Financial Management: Mr long runs a chain of outlet stores called cheap ware cw
Reference No:- TGS01247709

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