
Mpm7007 management of mega and complex projects - develop a

Management of Mega and Complex Projects

Assiment about Saharan mega project

Aim: To develop a critical understanding of the complex character, causes, and consequences of success and failure as it relates to projects - particularly large and government-sponsored projects - across vertical industry sectors and project types;

To use this understanding to build strategies and adapt practice that increases the likelihood of delivering successful projects.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

Select project processes suitable for a variety of contexts, demonstrating awareness of risk and different types and approaches;

Synthesise learning about key concepts, theories and techniques from other MBA modules and apply to the critical analysis of both project failure and success on a case-by-case basis;

Develop strategies and adapt practice to ensure the delivery of successful projects;

Consider sustainability, corporate social responsibility and ethics across the project lifecycle.

Key Skills attainable from this Module

- Project Management in Complex Environment
- Programme Management (Multiple Projects) in Complex Environment
- Reflective Practice based on various contemporary Mega Projects
- Change, Benefit and Value Management in Complex Environment
- Government/Public and Private Partnership Projects
- Relationships Management with Multiple Stakeholders in Multiple Projects
- Communication (Oral and Written)
- Inventiveness (Creativity)
- Organisational Adaptability
- Customer Focus
- Presentation
- Time Management
- Interpersonal Skills
- Logical Progression
- Problem Solving
- Synthesis and Critical Evaluation
- Analytical Skills in Complex Mega Project Environment
- Decision Making in Complex Mega Project Environment

Assessment Description

PRES1 - Group Presentation, 30 Minutes

Note: This Presentation Component contributes 30% of the Module's overall Mark/Grade. This assessment is to be done as a TEAM.
You are required to prepare a team presentation which critically evaluates and appraises the following in the context of a case study Mega and Complex Project or Programme of your choice.
- What are the major paradox and phenomenon in Mega and Complex Projects?
- The role of Project Management and Programme Management in Mega and Complex Projects.
How effective Project Management and Programme Management have been used in Mega and Complex Project to ensure time and cost-efficient Projects and Programmes and where are the significant and continuing gaps, issues, problems and challenges?
What should be done differently to ensure consistent and repeatable success in your choice of Mega and Complex Project or Programme?
What is the way forward to ensure future/similar Mega and Complex Project or Programme success?

Choice of case studies and Organisations:
You can draw from your own experience or research a Mega and Complex Project or Programme of your choice to develop your evaluation, argument and reflection. You may wish to consider successes, failures, best practices, lessons learned (or otherwise) and lessons yet to be learnt. Be mindful not to merely describe (verbatim) - this should be a critical evaluation and demonstrate an understanding of the application of Project Management and Programme Management in Mega and Complex Projects.

Consider the relevance and effective use in the Complex Project and Programme environment, dealing with multiple stakeholders in multiple Projects and multiple Programmes, benefit and value of the Mega and Complex Project or Programme outweighs the cost and time, e.g., political PR, country's long-term image and reputation, instances of optimum bias, managing stakeholders (various) interfaces and dependencies and any other relevant and critical points.

Format of the Presentation:
Please use PowerPoint Slides (PPT) ONLY to deliver your group presentation. Participation of all team members are absolutely compulsory and mandatory, no exception to this rule (ALL team members MUST be present and discuss their points during the presentation). Any non- contribution, non-engagement and non-participation MUST be reported to the Module Leader in the first instance and ASAP.

Team working underpins Project Management, Programme Management, Projects and Programmes delivery and Project/Programme Success and in complex settings. I can't stress enough how important this is!

20 Minutes Team Presentation (every team member must speak and contribute) and 10 Minutes Question and Answer Session.

Note: This Written Component contributes 70% of the Module's overall Mark/Grade. This assessment is to be done INDIVIDUALLY.

You are to produce a Reflective Report applying Mega and Complex Project Management principles and domains based on this Case Study below:

The Trans-Saharan gas pipeline (also known as NIGAL pipeline and Trans-African gas pipeline) is a planned natural gas pipeline from Nigeria to Algeria. It is seen as an opportunity to diversify the European Union's gas supplies.

Individual Report Recommended Structure/Guidelines

You can critically reflect on the following elements below. You can also include other elements from your own background research about this Mega and Complex Project:

- Project Management and Programme Management in Mega and Complex Projects/Programmes

- Introduction about the Trans-Saharan (TS) Mega Project
- Level of Complexities around this TS Mega Project
- Gaps Analysis - Potential Issues, Problems and Challenges
- Project Management opportunities in this TS Mega Project
- Programme Management opportunities in this TS Mega Project

- Complex Business, Organisational and Commercial Environment

- TS - Nigeria, Niger & Algeria Business Environment (Macro, Meso & Micro) in- depth appraisal & evaluation
- Organisational Complexities
- Structural Complexities
- Institutional Level Relationship Complexities
- Commercial (Financial and Contractual) Complexities
- Legalities Complexities
- Putting it together
- Project Management & Programme Management effective execution Complexities

- Multiple Stakeholders priorities and complexities - dealing with Government and Private Entities

- Stakeholders Management Problems, Challenges and Issues in this TS Project
- NOC (National Oil Company) vs IOC (International Oil Company) vs Service Companies (Private) Joint Venture challenges, with JV or No JV
- Priorities assessment when dealing with different level of complexities
- Priorities level vs Complexities level, High Priority High Complexity, Low Priority Low Complexity, middle ground, etc.

- Optimum Bias

- Culture of over-commit, over-promise & under-deliver - why this continues to be a persistent problem/potential problem in this TS Mega Project
- Over/Under Estimate, Over/Under Bid, etc.
- NOC potentially short-changed by private entities or IOC, how to address and mitigate this? EU? Any other potential Customers/Buyers?
- Procurement method

- Strategic Misrepresentation of the inherent benefit and value of this Mega Project

- Miscalculated risk and value of the TS Mega Project
- Unclear/Vague/Over-Stated benefit and value of the TS Mega Project
- Further Gaps Analysis

- Effective benefit and value transition to the relevant stakeholders in NNA

- Complexities in Phase by Phase Management - Whole Life Cycle Approach

- Programme Management Life Cycle for the TS Project
- Phase by phase, Stage by Stage, Activities by Activities Identification
- You could populate this content using visuals of the Project Life Cycle & Programme Life Cycle up to the benefit and value realisation

- Supply Chain Management (Strategic Procurement and Strategic Purchasing)

- Sketch the Supply Chain Diagram for this TS Project
- Identify whom are the potential upstream, mid-stream and downstream stakeholders and partners
- Identify and critically appraise/evaluate whom are the routine, leverage, bottle- neck and strategic service providers (service providers refer to any government or private entities such as suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, bottleneck and routine)

- Strategic Risk Management

- Identify & Critically reflect on potential Strategic Risk of this TS Project
- E.g., EU break-up, Brexit, Not possible to secure long term purchase agreement, human rights records (NNA), oil and gas pipeline theft, local content challenges, local community potentially disadvantaged through this TS Project, geo-political climate, high CAPEX & OPEX, local content inclusivity, unsustainable production and refinery cost, continuing low oil and gas price, not recoverable, challenging oil and gas frontiers, engineering and technical complexities and challenges

- Governance

- Transparency & Accountability
- Lack of control mechanism
- Effective control and monitoring systems

- Cost/Time Control Practices

- Cost and time efficient mechanisms
- Capital Control and Capital Efficiency opportunities in this TS Project

- Change Management

- How change management would be effectively managed in this TS Project?

- Lessons Learnt and Lessons yet to be Learnt - what will go wrong and right in this TS Project, experience and usability from other similar mega and complex project
- Gaps Analysis - Missing Links
- Benefits and Value Management - Effective Control, Monitoring, Transition & Measurement
- Sustainability - Deliver more with Less, Value for Monies, Sustainable PM & PgM for this TS Mega and Complex Project

Attachment:- Reflective Report Structure.rar

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Business Management: Mpm7007 management of mega and complex projects - develop a
Reference No:- TGS02916434

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