
Mph field experience interest form - master of public

An abstract is a brief, written summary of the project described in the full paper.

It should be a single, long paragraph that can make sense by itself. Your abstract should describe all the sections required in the final paper. In an APA research paper, these would typically be the Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion.

In your final paper, these will be:

Description of the Organization/Field Site, Description of Work/Project in which you participated, and a Brief evaluation of success of the project and the field experience.

For this first draft, you should do at least the following:

Describe the organization/field site. Briefly summarize the issues you anticipate addressing. Describe the project. Briefly describe the intended results.

A good way to begin writing an abstract is to write a couple of sentences summarizing each section of the paper. While writing the abstract and the full paper, be sure to be aware of your audience.

The abstract and paper should be understandable to both experts and lay people. Limit the amount of technical jargon you use and explain it where possible. Always use the full term before you refer to it by an acronym (for example, Child Health Insurance Program [CHIP]).

In the professional world, readers usually read the abstract first to determine whether to invest the time to read the entire paper. You should try to make your abstract compelling enough that the reader will want to read the entire paper.

This is particularly true in the world of publishing. Abstracts are written in block format (no paragraph indentations) and are usually approximately 200-300 words long.

MPH Field Experience Interest Form

1. Agency/Organization. Please identify the public health agency/organization setting (e.g., health department, industry, governmental agency, international health agency, non-governmental organization (NGO) that you believe that would provide you with the type of educational/professional experience you require.
Health Care Facilities (Hospital/Research Department)

2. Location. Identify the locations/geographic areas where you prefer to carry out your Field Experience.
Atlanta, Georgia

3. Technical Skills. List any special skills you want to use or develop in the Field Experience):
Graphs and Charts

4. Subject Area/Topics. List the specific public health areas or topics on which you wish to focus your Field Experience on such as health education, diabetes, asthma, HIV/AIDS and other STD's, nutrition, food insecurity/hunger, health policy, etc).

General Population that consist of the uninsured and insured. Patients that have been diagnosed with Heart Failure and or Sickle Cell

5. Special Populations. Please identify any special population group that you would like to work with (e.g., pregnant women, children, the elderly, recent immigrants, persons with disabilities):
General Population that consist of the uninsured and insured. Patients that have been diagnosed with Heart Failure and or Sickle Cell

6. Potential Field Experience Sites: List any public health agencies or organizations that you know of where you or other students might wish to carry out a Field Experience:

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Dissertation: Mph field experience interest form - master of public
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