
Mph field experience interest form - argosy university -

Most public health organizations are involved in a range of projects and provide a variety of services.

Directions: In a Power Point Presentation: Describe your involvement in the project.

Make sure you Describe the project and its goals. Describe the public health problem this project is designed to address. Describe population/group in need of program or service.

Describe the organizational response to problem. Theoretical underpinnings (if available) Explain your role within this project.

Evaluate the progress of the project toward its stated goals to this point, and discuss your contribution to that progress. Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Develop a Power Point Presentation using APA formatting and style. The slide notes should contain the references and scholarly write up. Use a title page to designate each component required in the PPT.

Each section should have its own title slide. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.ppt .

Question 1. Agency/Organization. Please identify the public health agency/organization setting (e.g., health department, industry, governmental agency, international health agency, non-governmental organization (NGO) that you believe that would provide you with the type of educational/professional experience you require.
Health Care Facilities (Hospital/Research Department)

Question 2. Location. Identify the locations/geographic areas where you prefer to carry out your Field Experience.

Atlanta, Georgia

Question 3. Technical Skills. List any special skills you want to use or develop in the Field Experience):
Graphs and Charts

Question 4. Subject Area/Topics. List the specific public health areas or topics on which you wish to focus your Field Experience on such as health education, diabetes, asthma, HIV/AIDS and other STD's, nutrition, food insecurity/hunger, health policy, etc).

General Population that consist of the uninsured and insured. Patients that have been diagnosed with Heart Failure and or Sickle Cell

Question 4. Special Populations. Please identify any special population group that you would like to work with (e.g., pregnant women, children, the elderly, recent immigrants, persons with disabilities):
General Population that consist of the uninsured and insured. Patients that have been diagnosed with Heart Failure and or Sickle Cell

Question 6. Potential Field Experience Sites: List any public health agencies or organizations that you know of where you or other students might wish to carry out a Field Experience:

Grady Health Systems

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Dissertation: Mph field experience interest form - argosy university -
Reference No:- TGS02868850

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