
Movie that features a natural disaster

Movie that features a natural disaster:

Project description

1. Select a movie that features a natural disaster. In this case The movie called ” TIDAL WAVE” ps: Tidal wave can be found in Netflix

2. Introduce the scientific principles of the natural disaster, using references such as the textbook, the U.S.G.S. website (https://www.usgs.gov/), other references listed under the Internet Resources document on Blackboard, or other sources you find. Informative figures are strongly encouraged. Cite your references at the end of the paper.

3. Describe how the disaster was portrayed in the movie. Was the disaster portrayed accurately? Describe any inaccuracies you identified. Why do you think the movie chose to represent certain aspects inaccurately?

4. What did you enjoy about the movie? What did you dislike?

5. Length is 3-4 pages, double spaced, not including bibliography.

6. Do not devote more than one page to the movie.

Technical Writing Tips:

1. Insert page numbers.

2. Do not use contractions.

3. Each figure should be numbered (i.e., Fig. 1) and have a caption that includes its source (unless you took the photo/drafted the illustration).

4. Refer to figures in the text.

5. “Since” (time term) vs. “Because” (causality)

6. Please, no quotations. It is better to put the information in your own words.

7. Cite reference after information taken from reference. i.e., Hurricanes rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere (NOAA, 2005).

8. Appropriate comma use: Subject + verb, (so/and/but/because) subject + verb.

9. Your bibliography should have a minimum of three sources (none from Wikipedia).

Grading Criteria:

An A paper is free from grammatical errors, contains a lot of quality information about the selected natural disaster, follows all of the instructions listed above, and is a compelling read.

A B paper contains a few grammatical errors, contains adequate information about the natural disaster, follows all/most of the instructions above, and is interesting.

A C paper contains several grammatical errors, contains some scientific information, follows some of the instructions, and is readable.

A D paper has many grammatical errors, has a small amount of scientific information, follows a few of the instructions, and is difficult to read.

An F paper? Shudder the thought…

General Topics and Link Pages for resources

Science Daily (Earth and Climate)- www.sciencedaily.com/news/earth_climate/

Amazing Planet – www.ouramazingplanet.com/

Weather Channel -www.weather.com/

Earthweek (cool interactive map or recent disasters) https://www.earthweek.com/

Planet Diary (cooler interactive map) https://www.phschool.com/science/planetdiary/

Discovery Channel – www.discovery.com/

Federal Emergency Management Agency Homepage Index – https://www.fema.gov/

Natural Hazards Center, Boulder CO – https://www.colorado.edu/hazards/index.html

Internet Disaster information – https://www.disaster.net/

National Geophysical Data Center – https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/ngdc.html

National Geophysical Data Center Natural Hazards Data – https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov:80/seg/hazard/hazards.html

Natural Hazard Mitigation Group, U. Geneva-Switzerland (international links) – https://www.unige.ch/hazards

Natural Hazards Center (Selected Internet Sites for excellent links) – https://www.colorado.edu/hazards

USA TODAY (online news) – https://www.usatoday.com/

The Disaster Center – https://www.disastercenter.com/

NaturalHazards.org -https://www.naturalhazards.org/

Institute for Business and Home Safety – https://www.ibhs.org/

USGS Geology Hazards Homepage – https://geology.usgs.gov/index.shtml

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