
Movie - enron 2005 what was the central theme of the movie

Assignment -

Write a 150-200-word discussion post for each movie about the Leadership aspects of the movie.

Movie - Enron (2005)

1. What was the central theme of the movie?

2. What was the primary "leaders" name?

3. Is there a dominant Leadership Theory in the movie?

4. What were the strengths of the primary "leader"?

5. What were the weaknesses of the primary "leader"?

6. Based upon the primary character of the movie, are leaders born or did the situation create the leader?

7. How did the primary leader use their power (be specific)?

Note - Please Answer in a question-answer format & Make sure you focus primarily on the leadership aspect of the movie.

Total Words: 200-250.

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Dissertation: Movie - enron 2005 what was the central theme of the movie
Reference No:- TGS02811820

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