
movement of body parts -movement of appendages


  1. Movement of appendages bring about locomotion.
  2. Perapodia, setae in Annelida, jointed legs in Arthropoda, flat foot in mollusca, tube feat in star fish, fins in fishes are main locomotary organ in animals.
  3. Movement of jaws, tongue enable the animal to capture food.
  4. Movement of tentacles, antennae, eye ball & pinnae help the animals together to collect information about their external environment.
  5. Movement of bucopharyngeal cavity bring about water breathing in fishes, air breathing in amphibian.
  6. Vibration of vocal cords produces voice.
  7. Heart beat circulate blood in blood vessels.
  8. Peristalasis in alimentary canal.
  9. Movement of diaphragm, ribs helpful in respiration.

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Biology: movement of body parts -movement of appendages
Reference No:- TGS0162391

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