Motif furniture is an austin- based furniture company for

Motif Furniture is an Austin- based furniture company. For each of the following first- quarter transactions, indicate whether operating (O), investing (I), or financing activities (F) are affected and whether the effect is a cash inflow (1) or outflow (2), or (NE) if the transaction has no effect on cash.

____ 1. Bought used equipment for cash.

____ 2. Paid cash to purchase new equipment.

____ 3. Declared and paid cash dividends to stockholders.

____ 4. Collected payments on account from customers.

____ 5. Recorded and paid interest on debt to creditors.

____ 6. Repaid principal on loan from bank.

____ 7. Prepaid rent for the following period.


____ 8. Made payment to suppliers on account.

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Accounting Basics: Motif furniture is an austin- based furniture company for
Reference No:- TGS01150605

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