
Most text books will say concepts

1. Which should you teach - concepts or procedures? Most text books will say concepts. Do you agree with this? For example, assume you were teaching a group of adults how to do mail merge in Word (a non-credit course). These people are paying for the training and they just want to be able to complete the task when they get back to work. Would you take the time to cover the concepts? Why or why not.

2. Assume you are teaching a course for credit, such as this course. For some students the main objective is to pass the course with as high a grade as possible, learning the material is simply a means to accomplish this. Would you try to ensure that all students actually understand the material rather than just knowing sufficient material long enough to pass the exam, or would you ignore those students and just focus on the students that really wanted to learn? Why?

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Basic Computer Science: Most text books will say concepts
Reference No:- TGS082004

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