True or False?
1. Most systems, including projects, can be conceptualized as hierarchical and network systems.
2. In human-made systems, the objectives of the subsystems sometimes conflict with each other, which reduces the ability for them or the overall system to realize their objectives.
3. Overall, there is not much difference between the practices of traditional management and project management.
4. The boundary of a system might be somewhat obscure, and it might be difficult to distinguish the system from its environment.
5. Since projects often involve the efforts of multiple units within and outside the organization, traditional reliance upon the vertical chain of command for authority and communication is time consuming and is ineffective.
6. Programs tend to be smaller than projects, and a project may be comprised of several programs.
7. There is virtually no kind of work that could not be managed best using project management.
8. So that the user can remain impartial, during the feasibility study the contractor should sever or minimize communication with the user.
9. In the systems development cycle, it is possible for the systems developer to be its own user.
10. Following project initiation, momentum increases uniformly until the project is completed.