
Most police departments have a mandatory policy which

Critical Thinking Exercises 

Mandatory Wearing of Body Armor. 

Most police departments have a mandatory policy which requires their officers to ssued body However, there are some officers who are resisting it because they say it is too hot, too uncomfortable and it limits their upper body mobility.

a. What course of action should a chief take if an officer will not wear body armor no matter how many times he/she is told to wear it?

b. If the police chief decides to take disciplin- ary action against an officer to force compli ance to wear the body armor, will the union have a legai grievance claiming that it should not be mandatory? 

c. What arguments would you provide to these reluctant officers to convince them that it is in their best interest to wear the body armor? 

d. lf an officer is not wearing body armor and is shot and killed in the line of duty, should the benefits his or her family would have derived be withheld?

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Dissertation: Most police departments have a mandatory policy which
Reference No:- TGS02659312

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