
Most of the elderly at their end-of-life stage do not die


Most of the elderly at their end-of-life stage do not die at home as it is their desire. Despite the development of palliative care programs, it has remained a challenge to ensure that most of the elderly die in their homes. One of the main reasons that have made it difficult is the absence of a family caregiver who is willing to take care of an elderly patient.

A patient who is at the end-of-life stage is supposed to have a person that is close to him or her so as to give them the attention they require. For elderly, having a committed family member would be significant because it gives them a sense of belonging and satisfaction, even as they near their death.

However, it is hard to find such family caregivers, because most of them prefer taking their elderly relatives to a hospital where they can receive professional assistance. Moreover, few home caregivers have been trained to provide healthcare service properly; all these factors make it hard for attention to be given to elderly patients in their homes (Hudson, 2003).

As a nurse, one can support their clients during the end-of-life treatment by approaching the family member that is recommended by a patient and explain the need of having home-based care. It would be a key factor in ensuring that the family members understand the dynamics of providing care to the elderly from home.

It would also be a way of ensuring that family members agree to take care of a patient, since they would be convinced from a professional point of view. Moreover, as a nurse, I would do my best to assist these family members in any way to ensure the comfort of a patient. For instance, a nurse can constantly visit a patient and provide the necessary care at home (Hudson, 2003).


Hudson, P. (2003). Home-based support for palliative care families: Challenges and recommendations. Medical Journal of Australia, 179(6), S35.

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