
Most large database vendors practice some form of

There are numerous database vendors in the world each with their own brand of SQL. There is also a SQL standard governed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Most large database vendors practice some form of ANSI-standard SQL but will also have their own unique SQL commands.

1) Discuss two pros and two cons of establishing and using a standard for SQL.

2) There exist several vendor-specific implementations of SQL.

Select two different SQL implementations and provide a brief description of each. Include the name of the vendor.

Of the two implementations, you choose, in your opinion, which of the two is the "best" implementation? Provide the reasoning for your answer.?

3) What are some suggestions for improving query processing, discuss three suggestions for improving query processing.

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Database Management System: Most large database vendors practice some form of
Reference No:- TGS02878019

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