
most certainly transition and action processes

Most certainly. Transition and action processes are more influential for performance outcomes. For example, if a team is facing issues with product development time and quality, decision accuracy, response time, customer service, amount of sales or manufacturing errors, attention should be paid to transition processes such as goal specification or strategy formulation and action processes such as monitoring progress towards goals. Coordination and team member monitoring/backup would be important if teams are highly interdependent. If the team is operating in an ambiguous, fast-paced environment then mission analysis, strategy development and environmental monitoring are most important.

On the other hand, if team viability or individual learning are priorities, interpersonal processes should be assessed. So, if a team is facing high turnover, low commitment and low satisfaction then conflict, affect management and motivation should become priorities.

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HR Management: most certainly transition and action processes
Reference No:- TGS0272497

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