
Morphology of streptococci and pneumococci seen by gram

1. Differentiate the microscopic morphology of streptococci and pneumococcias seen by Gram stain.
2. What type of hemolysis is produced by S. pneumoniae?
3. How is S. pneumoniae distinguished from other streptococci with thesame hemolytic properties?
4. What is the quelling reaction?
5. What role does a bacterial capsule play in infection?

6. What kind of culture media and atmospheric and incubation conditions arebest for cultivating streptococci?
7. Why is blood agar considered a differential medium?
8. What is the function of a candle jar?
9. Describe the hemolysis produced by alpha-hemolytic, beta-hemolytic, andnonhemolytic streptococci.
10. What type of hemolysis is displayed by the groupable streptococci that aremost pathogenic for human beings?To what serological group do these usually belong?
How can they be identified as belonging to this group without doing a
serological test? Explain.
11. Describe the principle of the latex agglutination test.
12. Name at least three bacterial species found among the normal flora of thethroat.
13. Is the normal flora of the upper respiratory tract harmful to the humanhost? Explain.Page 1 of 2From Laboratory Manual & Workbook in Microbiology Applications to Patient Care (9th ed.). ByJosephine A. Morello, Helen Eckel Mizer, and Paul A.Granato Copyright © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reprinted with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
BIO2071_Microbiology Laboratory
14. Is the normal flora beneficial to the host? Explain.
15. In collecting a throat culture, why is it important not to touch the swab toother surfaces in the mouth?
16. What specimens are of value in making a laboratory diagnosis of bacterialpneumonia? Why? Explain the difference between saliva and sputum?
17. Would a direct Gram stain of a sputum specimen be of any immediatevalue to the physician in choosing treatment for a patient with pneumonia?Explain.
18. Does antimicrobial therapy have any effect on the body's normal flora?Explain.
19. What is the significance of VRE? 

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Biology: Morphology of streptococci and pneumococci seen by gram
Reference No:- TGS089836

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