Question: More energy. Exercise shows the results of a Gallup Poll about energy. Suppose we select three people at random from this sample.
a) What is the probability that all three responded Protect the environment ?
b) What is the probability that none responded Equally important ?
c) What assumption did you make in computing these probabilities?
d) Explain why you think that assumption is reasonable.
Exercise: Energy 2007. A Gallup poll in March 2007 asked 1005 U.S. adults whether increasing domestic energy production or protecting the environment should be given a higher priority. Here are the results:
Response Number
Increase Production 342
Protect Environment 583
Equally Important 30
No Opinion 50
Total 1005
If we select a person at random from this sample of 1005 adults,
a) what is the probability that the person responded Increase "production"?
b) what is the probability that the person responded "Equally important" or had no opinion?