
Moral responsibility of the perdue chicken farms


Write in 400 words, write about the moral responsibility of the perdue chicken farms. Reflect on the stewardship role that may fall upon humans towards non-human animals. Can we utilize them as mere means to an end (entertainment, companionship, or food), or do we have special obligations towards them to not mistreat them because they are sentienent beings? reflect on ethical theories we have covered thus far, and identify one that you want to apply for your analysis in discussion post. Also, reflect on regulations ( or the lack of) in the factory farming industry in order to be able to exemine how our nations laws affect the operations of the business. Finally, reflect on the mixed economic system in the United States in order to articulate the setting for the operations of factory farming and then be able to analyze the ethical actions of perdue givin this setting.

Use these resources

CompassionUSA. (2014, December 3). Chicken factory farmer speaks out [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/YE9l94b3x9U

Chicken farmer opens his farm that is run by Perdue in order to share the realities of raising chicken according to the contractual arrangements with Perdue.

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Business Management: Moral responsibility of the perdue chicken farms
Reference No:- TGS01803546

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