
Moral philosophies and cognitive moral development

Discuss the following:

Q1: "Mandated Legal Requirements and Ethical Decision Making" 

a. Review the article titled, “Sarbanes-Oxley Act: HR’s Role in Ensuring Compliance and Driving Organizational Change,” located here. You may also view the article at at https://www.section404.org/UserFiles/File/research/28_HRs_Role_In_SOX.pdf. Next, suggest two (2) actions that HR should take in order to ensure an organization’s compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley. Explain the manner in which HR policies and practices are instrumental in implementing, and ensuring compliance, with legal mandates.

b. Examine the key individual and organizational factors that influence an ethical decision making framework in resolving ethical dilemmas. Outline a guide that HR can use to implement principles and core values in ethical decision making in an organization. Provide a rationale for your response.

Q2. Moral Philosophies and Cognitive Moral Development

a. Select one moral philosophy (teleology, deontology, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, or justice) that has influenced the outcome of an ethical dilemma that you have witnessed. Provide one (1) example of the way in which this moral philosophy influenced the outcome of an ethical dilemma in a past or present organization.

b. Examine Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Determine the stage of Kohlberg’s moral development that your current, or past, organization and coworkers are in. Give one example of your current, or past, organization and coworkers that illustrates the stage of Kohlberg’s moral development.

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Other Management: Moral philosophies and cognitive moral development
Reference No:- TGS01766516

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