
Moral integrity is the implementation of ones principles in

Read the following excerpt and give your opinion about it in 150 words minimum.

"Moral integrity is the implementation of ones principles in the decision making process in terms of what is right or wrong with respect to honesty and truthfulness. These principles are instilled in us through both internal and external sources. The internal originates from our cultural background with regards to our belief systems, values, and religious affiliation. External on the other hand comes from outside sources such as laws enacted by our governmental system, as well as policies put into place by public and private organizations. Morrison, (2016), states that a person can develop moral integrity through education, experience, self-assessment, and decision making. As a healthcare administrator, we can expect to be confronted with many temptations on a daily basis. Griffith (1993), also challenges HCA's conduct the business of health care in way fosters integrity. This action includes designing policies and procedures that encourage employees to do the right thing(Morrison, 2016, p.322).

What I feel is a critical temptation for HCA's is the goal of maintaining fiscal responsibility ethically while at the same time providing quality care to patients at an affordable cost. This will continously be a challenge due to competition and the requirement to operate within the criteria and guidelines of the Affordable Care Act. Without reminders that the healthcare organization's true mission should recognize the worth of all all human beings, it would be all too easy to deny compassionate care or treat only those persons whom society decides are the "deserving poor"(Morrison, 2016, p.322). Johnson (2009) reminds HCAs that even a small dose of this evil as sanctioned destruction, such aslabeling those found to be undesirable(e.g., GOMER, frequent fliers), can lead to a loss of dignity and undesirable behaviors by healthcare professionals. Therefore the requirement to operate efficiently with a small budget will have HCA's overwhelmed with many options in determining how to provide quality care and meet the demands of vendors, who provide computer hardware and software support, medical equipment, quality brand name medications, and to a great extent satisfying the almighty  stakeholders.

A great meaningful philosophy to follow in maintaining moral integrity is to lead by example, and empower and expect staff to emulate this example and adhere to those principles that are near and dear to your heart. I always say be spirit led. In addition, ensure that everyone complies with policy and procedures. In conclusion, one must be consistent in the decision making process."

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Business Management: Moral integrity is the implementation of ones principles in
Reference No:- TGS02600420

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