
Moral demands made upon the whistle-blower case study

Case Study:

1. What sorts of insights do John Caputo and Zygmunt Bauman give us into the moral demands made upon the whistle-blower? What is, according to Caputo, the nature of a moral dilemma? What, according to Bauman, is the problem with following conventions or rules when deliberating over whistle-blowing?

2. How does the thought of Hans Jonas differ from that of Caputo and Bauman? How would his thought be applied to the question of whistle-blowing?

3. How does human freedom or autonomy come into question in the thought of all of these thinkers?

Answer in 2 to 3 paragraphs.



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Business Management: Moral demands made upon the whistle-blower case study
Reference No:- TGS01800640

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