
Monologic communication and dialogic communication

Question 1:

(a) Briefly explain the Kent and Taylor’s five principles of the dialogic communication.

(b) Explain using instances the principle of the mutuality.

Question 2:

“The implications for today’s managers are that to develop communicative competencies they need to accommodate both perspectives and this needs a reconceptualisation of change communication as communication throughout change, rather than to communicate change”.

(a) Discuss the above with reference to the description of organizational communication given in the text.

(b) Using a concrete example from your communication experience elucidate the implications for the educational manager of your institution.

Question 3:

Explain the differences between monologic communication and dialogic communication. Use a concrete example to illustrate your answer, highlighting the benefits and the drawbacks of each of the communication style.

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Other Subject: Monologic communication and dialogic communication
Reference No:- TGS06430

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