
Money laundering and the methods


Main purpose / point of the essay

What is Money Laundering

Examples of money laundering

Different ways of money laundering

How money laundering will affect the society

salutations to prevent money laundering



‘’any act or attempted act to conceal or disguise the identity of illegally obtained proceeds so that they appear to have originated from legitimate sources’


• The aim of this essay is to mention a serious attitude and approaches used for money laundering and the methods that they can use it is for, such as selling organs, drugs, diamonds, prostituting etc…

• This essay will then focus on previous case law

• Cases to support the argument and the gaps that still exist within the legal system.

• Salutations to stop the problems

• How the world take apart to prevent money laundering by establishing Aunty Money laundering organisation under the government control


While money laundering is a risk to the good effective of a financial system, it can also be hiding wall of criminal action to escapee. However, it will not be possible to end money laundering without full society support

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