
Modulation of immune responses to vaccination by microbiota

Assignment task: Read the article Modulation of immune responses to vaccination by the microbiota: implications and potential mechanisms and then respond to the following questions:

1. List several populations that are most likely to have suboptimal responses to vaccination and be at high risk for infection. Why are these populations considered to have suboptimal responses?

2. Box 1 describes variations in the gut microbiota between populations. Explain the factors that drive this difference. Want Professional Help?

3. Figure 2 describes a variety of factors that may influence vaccine efficacy. Describe (don't just list) four items that were NOT covered in my videos this week.

4. Review Figure 3 and summarize the main take-away message from this figure.

5. Figure 4 shows several ways the microbiota may influence vaccine efficacy. Explain two of these.

6. Describe one example of how the microbiota might be targeted through interventions to increase vaccine efficacy.

7. Offer a plain language summary of the main points/findings of the article. You may write this as a paragraph (aim for four to five sentences) or as bullet point highlights (aim for four to five bullet points). This must be in your own words and not simply duplicate the abstract.

8. Explain three things from this article that surprised you or connections that you made between topics we have been discussing in class.

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Other Subject: Modulation of immune responses to vaccination by microbiota
Reference No:- TGS03446569

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