Question 1: What do you mean by modulation index in FM transmission and how does it influence the bandwidth required for all FM channels.
Question 2: Describe how you would proceed to find out the channel bandwidth for transmission of sound signals by frequency modulation.
Question 3: What do you mean by an electron multiplier?
Question 4: What is the operating principle of a white and black camera tube?
Question 5: Distinguish between negative modulation from the positive modulation.
Question 6: Draw and describe cross-section view of Image Orthicon camera tube.
Question 7: What is photoelectric effect in the video cameras?
Question 8: What do you mean by the term dark current in Vidicon?
Question 9: Describe how the Image Orthicon generates video signal when light from any scene is focused on its faceplate.
Question 10: What precautions should be observed while handling the picture tube? Why is it essential to give spark gap protection between the different electrodes?