
Modify the rq to match the available data the rq is what is

Modify the RQ to match the available data. The RQ is What is the relationship between number of hours spent in an afterschool program and level of aggression for African American males ages 17?

Find a data source that involves two variables of interest.

Below are several examples and ideas of data to consider for a quantitative study.

RQ: Is there a relationship between the death penalty and the crime rate?
IV = states with the death penalty
DV = crime rate in each state

Problem trying to solve: Crime may be controlled via level of punishment.

RQ: Is there a difference between different types of crime and recidivism?

IV = types of crime
DV = recidivism

The labeling theory links recidivism with gainful employment.

Problem trying to solve: Crime preventative methods that focus on crimes-for-profit may reduce recidivism. In addition, reducing recidivism may enhance celerity and reduce court costs.

RQ: Is there a relationship between the motor theft and murder rate?

IV = motor theft
DV = murder rate

Problem trying to solve: Anti-theft devices for vehicles may reduce the murder rate.

RQ: Is there a difference between a state that is democratic or republican and recidivism?

IV = state is democratic or republican
DV = recidivism

The labeling theory links recidivism with gainful employment.

Problem trying to solve: Recidivism may be influenced by state political ties.

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Other Subject: Modify the rq to match the available data the rq is what is
Reference No:- TGS01251465

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