
Modify the pseudocode

Modify the pseudocode design that you created last week  to include statements to prompt the user to enter the movie titles one movie at a time.  After the customer has finished entering the movie titles, the system will calculate and print the bill.   Hint: use a loop to process the total bill.

Add the statement(s) for the following:   If customer rents 3 movies, they receive 1 of the three movies for free. 

PseudocodeSolution from last week:


1     Prompt for email, movie 1, movie 2, movie 3

2     Get email, movie 1, movie 2, movie 3

3     Set movie_number to true

4     IF movie_number> 3 THEN

             Set movie_number to false

             Display 'invalid movie number', movie


5       IF movie rating = R THEN

              Validate customer_age> 17


Customer_age< 18 THEN

                   Set customer_age to invalid

                   Display 'invalid customer age', customer


6       Customer_bill=  (movie_number * $1.50) + (remainder * 5%)

7       IF customer_bill = valid THEN

               Display 'Customer's bill is', customer_bill, email







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Data Structure & Algorithms: Modify the pseudocode
Reference No:- TGS0927532

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