Instructions: Properly indent your code and include appropriate comments. Follow instructions given for each problem in the textbook.
EnableGeometricObject comparable
Modify the GeometricObject class to implement the Comparable interface, and define a static max method in the GeometricObject class for finding the larger of two GeometricObject objects. Use the provied UML diagram and implement the new GeometricObject1, Circle1, and Rectangel1 classes. Write a test program that uses the max method to find the larger of two circles and the larger of two rectangles.
Sample main provided.
*Hint create a new GeometricObject class called GeometricObject1 which will implement Comparable.
abstract class GeometricObject1 implements Comparable
GeommetricObject1 will need to have a compareTo method and the method
public static GeometricObject1 max(GeometricObject1 o1,GeometricObject1 o2)
which will use the compareTo method to return the relationship between o1 and o2, the value, 0,1, or -1.
You will also need a class Circle1 that extends GeometricObject1.
class Circle1 extends GeometricObject1
You will also need a class Rectangle1 that extends GeometricObject1.
classRectangle1 extends GeometricObject1
Classes GeometricObject, Circle and Rectangle have been provided for you as a starting point.