a. Plan the logic for an insurance company's premium determining program. The program calls a method that prompts the user for the type of policy needed-health or auto. Pass the user's response to a second method, where the premium is set-$250 for a health policy or $175 for an auto policy. Pass the premium amount to a third method for display.
b. Modify Exercise 7a. so that the second method calls one of two additional methods-one that determines the health premium or one that determines the auto premium. The health insurance method asks users whether they smoke; the premium is $250 for smokers and $190 for nonsmokers.
Th e auto insurance method asks users to enter the number of traffic tickets they have received in the last three years. Th e premium is $175 for those with three or more tickets, $140 for those with one or two tickets, and $95 for those with no tickets. Each of these two methods returns the premium amount to the second method, which sends the premium amount to the display method.