1) Explain what is meant by the PSW in 8085 microprocessor? Describe its application along with the stack.
2) Explain how many registers of the memory can be addressed if 15 bit address bus is used in place of 16 bit address?
3) Determine the physical address of next instruction to be fetched in the 8086 microprocessor if (CS) = 123A and (IP) = 341B.
4) Describe following flags of the 8086 microprocessor:
a) SF
b) OF
5) Design the block diagram for the relative based indexed addressing mode.
6) Sketch the 8086 instruction format for the immediate operand to register the instruction.
7) Write down the control word of 8251-USART for the synchronous mode.
8) Explain the modes of operation of the DMA controller.
9) Explain what is meant by the term LCD? Explain the kinds of LCDs?
10) Describe the value of debounce time of the mechanical matrix keyboard?