
Modern neuroscientists including psychologists have stated

Discussion 1: Modern neuroscientists (including psychologists) have stated "the mind is what the brain does." What do you think is the distinction between mind and brain?

Discussion 2: View Dr. Daniel Simon's YouTube video The Monkey Business Illusion and respond to the following questions:

Were you able to pay attention and detect everything that changed in the video? People often claim they are good multitaskers but what does research actually show about multitasking? What concepts from Chapter 3 are depicted in this video?

Discussion 3: After studying chapter four, what do you think are the biggest influences on shaping a child or adolescent personality and behavior? Based on the research evidence presented in the chapter, how much credit or blame do you think parents deserve?

Discussion 4: Sexual orientation is defined as, "an enduring sexual attraction towards members of either one's own sex (homosexual orientation), the other sex (heterosexual orientation), or both sexes (bisexual orientation)" (Myers & DeWall, p. 187).

Based on the research evidence presented in chapter five, is one's sexual orientation (an attraction that is heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual) a "lifestyle choice" or does biology play the critical role in determining one's sexual orientation?

Discussion 5: Surveys show that millions of people around the world believe in one or more types of parapsychology and subliminal persuasion. After studying chapter six, what have most psychological scientists found after putting these claims to methodologically sound scientific tests? What is your position on the scientific validity of purported paranormal phenomena and subliminal persuasion?

Discussion 6: Review the scientific evidence presented in the chapter regarding the effects of physical (corporal) punishment (spanking, etc.) on the development of aggression in children and adolescents. After carefully reviewing the relevant scientific information presented in the chapter, what is your conclusion? Is there a causal connection? What impact might this scientific evidence have on how you choose to discipline and punish your own children?

Discussion 7: Freud's idea of repression was that emotionally traumatic events are pushed into the unconscious by the mind. Some people believe that repression is an established scientific fact. Yet in the clinical syndrome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), not only are traumatic memories not repressed, the sufferer is unable to rid themselves of intrusive and unbidden recall of them. What does this and other modern scientific evidence on how memory actually works suggest about Freud's notion of repression? Do you think repression is true?

Discussion 8: After studying chapter nine, do you think nature (genetics/biology) or nurture (environment, social learning) is the biggest influence on IQ?

Discussion 9: What does a polygraph machine (commonly referred to as a "lie detector") actually measure and, following your study of chapter ten, how scientifically valid are they for detecting lies? In other words, does the scientific evidence support the use of polygraph testing?

Discussion 10: Everyone is exposed to stress. What are the major stressors in your life at this time and what strategies have you found that are effective for you in reducing your stress level? Relate your response to the research presented in the chapter about the types of stressors, coping styles, and personality traits (e.g., Type A personality, etc.).

After studying the relevant scientific evidence presented in the textbook, what is your position/conclusion about whether exposure to violent media teaches children, adolescents, and adults social scripts for violence?

Discussion 11: According to psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge, narcissism (excessive self-love and self-absorption) has increased in American culture. She has termed this the Generation Me. Do you agree or disagree with her scientific findings?

Discussion 12: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), psychological disorders are the fourth leading cause of disability in the U.S. What factors (environmental, social, economic, biological, etc.) likely contribute to making psychological disorders so prevalent among Americans and to such an incapacitating degree?

Discussion 13: If you or a loved one were in need of mental health care, what type of mental health professional and what type of treatment would you prefer to receive? Explain your reasons why.

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Dissertation: Modern neuroscientists including psychologists have stated
Reference No:- TGS02629556

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