
Models or categories of

Models or categories of addiction

The moral model

This is based on religious and legal perspective. It acts as guidance to the right and wrong ideology of individual conduct within the society. However, the people who use the ideology exercise their own choices on what to follow. Religion gives a guideline of how people would live together harmoniously, but the law is infinite, therefore, cannot be measured. If we subconsciously know the wrong and right without having a set of guideline does it mean that we are also wrong in God's law. We incur emotional feelings that are unmeasurable and seen through our actions and reactions, Newman et al. 2013. This is in consideration to the consequences that involved due to their action. In the case of alcohol abuse, the individual involved will have addiction to the substance due to personal choice.

Psychological model

This refers to the social and emotional attributes that leads to the substance use. According to Lewis et al. (2014), individualren experience psychological trauma as an aftermath of witnessing violent activities. The effect varies with the age and gender of the individualren involved. Factors consistent in the posttraumatic stress effect include anxiety attacks; heightened stress level; emotional instability; developmental issues; less cognitive and disrupted habitual patterns such as sleep, eating disorder and emotional or physical pain. Life complexities have resulted in acts that have emotional, mentality and ability to act within different individuals. The outcome encompasses merging the understanding of the inner person and the society. The attribution to the concept includes the behavioral, learning, psychodynamic and personality model.

Cognitive has the characteristics of a behavior motivated due to the experiences that occurred in the intake of the drug. For instance, the participant enjoyed the use of the substance would want to indulge in the activity once more. This encourages the repeat action of the individual. However NIAA argues that it results in depression, withdrawal and nervousness of the afflicted. The brain recognizes the substance thus develops withdrawal characteristics in the person.

Learning model use the alcohol to establish positive reinforcement to their attitude, personality or trait. The dependent use the substance so as to reduce attacks that causes nervousness, panic or anxiety, Capuzzi et al. 2012. The hindrance of effectiveness of learning program may be caused by the awareness disconnect of the brain. This caused by the level of trauma that affected the ability of the individual to separate the memory and emotions incapacitating them from learning experience. Rigidity in the behavioral pattern inhibits the learning experience due to the post trauma involvement that form emotional attachment thus incapacitated the adaptability to human assistance.

This creates a communication barrier as the individual becomes slow in the learning process in addition inhibits fear and anxiety to learn new things. Sensitive issues originating to their identity hence negative forces that influence the acceptance to social support and aid (Lewis et al. 2014).

Psychodynamic model refers to as the linked personality disorder. This means that afflicted abuse alcoholic substance due to the traumatic experience in their childhood or current situation. It may be contributed through masturbation, homosexuality, rape, violent attacks or parents' inadequacy. This interconnection with the bad experience enhances use of alcohol to forget their traumatic experience. They also use alcoholic beverage to reduce of their painful experience thus unable to regulate their intake. It causes disturbed object relation. Conversely, it increases the dependency level and the individual inhibits hostility, emotional display or depression.

Personality trait means that the individual character that establishes adapting to social and cultural influences so as to fit into the society, Strauffer et al., 2012.

Family model

This is based on the family set up, context and support for the drug abuser. It may contribute to the afflicted behavior in terms of genetic attribute, hostile environment and behavior.

This can reinforce the dependency on substance abuse or support towards the recovery process of the patient. It is important for the family to understand the position of alcoholic individual as well as the disease so as to prevent the possibility of relapse. Some parents will also use examples of coincidental situations that occur to prove that there is a connection between drug abuse and social use. Parents also use false consensus to believe that reinforce wrong beliefs such as that about vaccines causing autism symptoms.

In the false consensus effect, parents are led to believe that the subject belief concerning the danger of vaccines is one which is widely held. This is mainly the result of being exposed to selective data through various elements of the media (Specter, 2009). In addition, most parents have no way of getting feedback from others about questions regarding this premise due to the unspoken rules regarding social interaction. For instance, if a parent suspects that his son or daughter is autistic because of the administrations of multiple vaccines, this view is not likely to be corrected by others or by doctors because it is unlikely that the parent will express it out loud.

Cultural model

The identity of a person can be seen by the cultural background and evidence in their disparity. In counselling an individual who has been involved in post-traumatic experience hence substance abuse, is important to understanding the element of culture. This influences their social habits, cognitive ability and human perception assists in the progressive analysis and effectiveness of the program. Psychiatrists discovered that the origin of the human being determine their behavioral attributes. As a result, the development and emotional engagement made consistent and linked together to improve their psychological stability. As a result, programs developed in effort to intervene their calamity hence enable them develop social personality and behavior that consistent with the society code of conduct (Kitayama & Cohen, 2010).

Social Model

Sociology studies the human behavior and experiences influenced by societal norms, cultural difference, ethnical group, historical background, social structures, individual self, civilization and institution that govern our daily lives. Sociology enables building relationship with individuals around us basing on different social aspects that the influence such as gender, racial background, families, institutions, individual forces and other contributing factors. The evolving modern societies have an impact on the way people relate to one another. The changing trends may lead to combining all variables that affect social aspects of a human being so as to attain a civilized mode of living.

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