
Models for strategic planning formulation

Problem: Write a report applying two models for strategic planning formulation. You may choose to report on the feasibility of a business you want to start, or you may choose to report on applying the models to a problem at the organization in which you currently work. The report should be 6 to 8 pages in length.



This project does not include writing a business plan, but in actuality, the assignment is reporting on the analysis that should be conducted before a business plan is written.

Your paper should be structured in the following format:

1. Executive Summary
2. Proposal Section
3. Rationale for the proposal
4. Research/Best Practices
5. Research Findings
6. Recommendation
7. Appendices


If you didn’t have to worry about a steady salary and health insurance and wanted to start your own business, what type of business would you start? Any business, whether you’re opening a sandwich shop, or a marketing firm, starts with an idea in your mind of how to provide value to customers and profitability for yourself. In business, providing value to customers is how profits are generated.

When you start your own business, you have to start with a strategic plan. To build a strategic plan, you start with your business idea and then take your business idea through the strategic planning models we are learning to apply in this course. The outcome provides you with information you would need to build your strategic plan to start your own business.

Take your business idea through the steps outlined above and report on whether the business idea appears to be feasible to implement.

Your paper should be structured in the following format:

1. Executive Summary (synopsis of the proposal, rationale, research, findings, and recommendation) No more than one page. May be bullet pointed.

2. Proposal Section. State your business idea

3. Rationale for the proposal. Why do you want to start a business

4. Research/Best Practices. This is the section you will apply the two strategic planning models you choose. You may choose PORTERS FIVE FORCES, SWOT ANALYSIS, VALUE CHAIN, BCG MATRIX, Or ANY OTHER MODEL IN THE TEXT. YOU MAY ALSO CHOOSE TO APPLY A MODEL USED IN

YOUR ORGANIZATION OR A MODEL YOU FOUND IN YOUR RESEARCH (PLEASE PROVIDE CITING). You will also include in this section any articles you read, interviews you conducted, and any other research you conducted.

5. Research Findings. This is the section where your research findings from the section above will support your proposal from section 2.

6. Recommendation. Based on your findings, do you recommend that starting the business appears to be feasible?

7. Appendices. This section includes any graphs to support your recommendation. It also provides your research citing.

Please see the project rubric for the specific requirements


If you prefer to base your portfolio project on your current job, you may choose the following project options:

Is there an issue at work you would like to see change or go in a different direction? For example, is there a product or service that is not profitable or does not seem to fit the company mission?

This paper is formatted in the same way as Option 1.

Your paper should be structured in the following format:

1. Executive Summary (synopsis of the proposal, rationale, research, findings, and recommendation) No more than one page. May be bullet pointed.

2. Proposal Section. State the problem at work you are researching

3. Rationale for the proposal. Why is this issue a problem at work

4. Research/Best Practices. This is the section you will apply the two strategic planning models you choose. You may choose PORTERS FIVE FORCES, SWOT ANALYSIS, VALUE CHAIN, BCG MATRIX, Or ANY OTHER MODEL IN THE TEXT. YOU MAY ALSO CHOOSE TO APPLY A MODEL USED IN YOUR ORGANIZATION OR A MODEL YOU FOUND IN YOUR RESEARCH (PLEASE PROVIDE CITING). You will also include in this section any articles you read, interviews you conducted, and any other research you conducted.

5. Research Findings. This is the section where your research findings from the section above will support your proposal from section 2.

6. Recommendation. Based on your findings, what do you recommend?

7. Appendices. This section includes any graphs to support your recommendation. It also provides your research citing.

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Microeconomics: Models for strategic planning formulation
Reference No:- TGS01741396

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