
Modeling in healthcare leadership

Question 1:

Many students in BHA 3002 aspire to become healthcare leaders. They aspire to become directors, CNO's, CIO's, CFO's, CEO's, or maybe even owners of their own healthcare businesses. It is so important to prepare oneself for leadership before jumping into the chair. Summarize the sources, qualifications, and development programs for leadership in healthcare. Be sure to address the "paths for beginners." Even for those of you who are not beginners, you will be mentoring others in your facilities who are novices.

Question 2:

What is meant by "modeling" in healthcare leadership? Sharp Healthcare has come up with quite a list of "employee behavior standards," as they call them. Briefly summarize these, and offer your own opinion on them. If you were creating this list for your own organization, would you add any items? Would you remove any items from the list?

Question 3:

Go to the Business Source Complete Database located in the CSU Online Library, and read:

Article Title: More than words
Author: William Corley

What is the relationship between patient safety and organizational culture? What can you learn from this as an aspiring healthcare executive?

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Biology: Modeling in healthcare leadership
Reference No:- TGS0521063

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