
Model the log odds of vigorous activity using an indicator

Predicting physical activity. Participation in physical activities typically declines between high school and young adulthood. This suggests that postsecondary institutions may be an ideal setting to address physical activity.

A study looked at the association between physical activity and several behavioral and perceptual characteristics among midwestern college students.8 Of 663 students who met the vigorous-activity guidelines for the previous week, 169 reported eating fruit two or more times per day.

Of the 471 that did not meet the vigorous-activity guidelines in the previous week, 68 reported eating fruit two or more times per day. Model the log odds of vigorous activity using an indicator variable for eating fruit two or more times per day as the explanatory variable. Summarize your findings.

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Basic Statistics: Model the log odds of vigorous activity using an indicator
Reference No:- TGS02227258

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