
Mobile general practitioner clinic - business environmental

Business  - Mobile General practitioner clinic


Executive Summary

1. Marketing feasibility

1.1 Environmental analysis

1.2 Product(s)/service(s)

1.3 Customer demographics

1.4 Competition and competitive advantage

1.5 Pricy strategy

1.6 Advertising and promotional strategy

1.7 S.W.O.T. analysis

1.8 Market Research

1.9 Projected Market

2. The Organization Plan

3.1 Organizational Structure (chart)

3.2 Designated Position of Staff or Personnel

3.3 Job Description

3. Basic financial requirements

3.1 Costing and expenditure 3.2 Sales projection 3.3 profit projection

4 Socio-Economic Feasibility

This section should be completed AFTER the business Plans is finished. It is a ONE PAGE SUMMARY.

The introduction is the readers first impassion of the business and should cover the following areas briefly but informatively;
Name of the planned business Nature of business
Product and/or service Name
Business location
Type of Ownership Opening date
Initial capitol
Sources of capital
Name/s of owner
Reasons of viabilty


1.1 Business Environmental analysis
- A discussion about the industry you are entering, in an historical and a geographical sense.
- A look at changes, advancements and trends over the last 10 - 15 years. and the current situation at an international, national, state and local level.
- identify where your particular business fits into the industry and why there is an opportunity for your business.

1.2 Product(s)/service(s) Offered
- A full description of the range of products sold and/or services offered. emphasizing differences, improvements, innovations etc compared to other products/service on the market.

1.3 Customer demographics
- Indicate who your customers will be in each segment, their ago, sex, lifestyle, interests. and geographic location.
- How many are there in the areas you are going to service?

1.4 Competition, competitors and competitive advantage
- List three of your major competitors.
- Make a reaiistic assessment of their strengths and weaknesses.
- How will you address their strengths and capdalize on their weaknesses?
- What position do they have in the market? (E.g. quality, price. service).
- What is your competitive advantage?

1.5 Price strategy and Competitive Pricing
- What pricing technique will you use? Explain why.
- What are your prices? Include a list of prices.

1.6 Advertising and promotional strategy
- List the methods you will use and the cost of bringing your product/service to the attention of prospective customers. e g which publication will you advertise.
- Will you use direct marketing campaigns. if appropriate.
- What promotional literature will you be developing. i e. flyers. etc.
- What other promotional toots will you use?

1.7 Business S.W.OT. Analysis
- A grid identifying your Strengths, Weaknesses. Opportunities and Threats.
- Include a discussion of hew you Will take advantage of the strengths and opportunities and what action you will take to counter the weaknesses and threats.

1.8 Market Research and Result
- Details of the results of your market research produced from primary and secondary resources.
- Include details of any surveys/questonnaires used
- Include tables and charts as appropriate.

1.9 Protected Market
- How many products (or hours of service) are you going to sell? The targets reed to be realistic. achievable and sufficient to make a profit
- Present them in a tab'e shcmtog your targets for the first 12 months of operation
- Mao allowance foe seasonal factors and the tine required to go from a rev business to full operation.

2. The Organization Plan

3.1 Organisational Structure
- What organisational structure is used in the business?
- Why it is used?
- Include diagram of structure, it is required.

3.1 Designated Position of Staff or Personnel
- What skills are needed for the business?
- Do you have them now?
- If not, what wit you do to get them? How?

3.2 Job Description
- What are the required works expected to each positron or job?
- In each designated position describe and explain the Job description and
- State the Staff or Personnel Accountability

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Dissertation: Mobile general practitioner clinic - business environmental
Reference No:- TGS02811153

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