
Mng91002 - entrepreneurship and marketing assignment the

Entrepreneurship and Marketing Assignment-

Assignment - GoPro


The following questions are all based on the GoPro case study published in the Forbes Magazine. Basing your arguments on the topics that you have studied throughout the unit, write a report addressing all of the following questions. The report/questions will cover both aspects of the unit.

Part A- Entrepreneurship

Question 1: Entrepreneurs have been identified as having certain traits and characteristics. Discuss the extent to which GoPro founder Nick Woodman exemplifies these traits and characteristics. Justify your response with reference to academic sources (e.g. academic journal articles, textbooks, etc.).

Question 2: Peter Drucker, a leading scholar in the fields of entrepreneurship and marketing, is cited in your unit material numerous times. When speaking of entrepreneurship, Drucker once stated: 'Most of what you hear about entrepreneurship is all wrong. It's not magic; it's not mysterious; and it has nothing to do with genes. It's a discipline and like any discipline it can be learnt'.

What evidence exists in the GoPro case study that supports and/or refutes this statement? Ensure your argument(s) are developed through direct reference to concepts, tools and techniques evident in the unit material.

Part B- Marketing and Strategic Planning

The role of planning within the firm has been discussed at length in this unit. We introduced aspects of entrepreneurial planning and explored how marketing planning gives direction to both corporate planning and marketing management.

Question 1: How did GoPro gain a competitive advantage from their marketing processes? Provide a theoretical analysis of the reasons for the achievement of this advantage.

Question 2: The GoPro case study specifically identifies future threats to the company's strategy. Provide a theoretical analysis of this threat scenario and give recommendations on how GoPro should respond to this.

Academic rigour

This is a substantial piece of scholarly work and will require extensive engagement with both unit theory and the case study.

  • Your arguments have to be based on concepts and tools discussed in the first 5 topics of this unit and must be supported through direct reference to academic literature (academic journal articles, academic books, etc.). Your report will be assessed based on your ability to develop and argument supported by academic sources (please also refer to marking criteria). Therefore, newspapers, magazines, website opinion pages or Websites like Wikipedia etc. are certainly not acceptable as foundation for your arguments. All sources must be properly referenced.
  • However, you are encouraged to undertake further research on GoPro to gain a deeper understanding of the case (e.g. financials, company vision and mission statements, investor relations, etc.). The GoPro website and other trustworthy non-academic sources are acceptable in this context and this context only. If you use further information for the case study, make sure you reference your sources correctly. If you are unsure whether your sources are appropriate, seek your tutor's advice.

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