
Mng81001 management communication - engage in research to

Assessment task

Your boss is keen to understand the challenges and opportunities that technology has brought to corporate communication. She has asked you to prepare an executive summary giving an outline of how different communications technologies are impacting on the way we communicate at work.

Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:

1. Read the article by Argenti, P 2006, 'How Technology Has Influenced the Field of Corporate Communication, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 357 - 370 (located on the Blackboard under Assessment Details).

2. Engage in research to find two other articles (academic journal and/or industry journal) related to the impact of technology on corporate communication. Use search engines such as Google Scholar and the SCU library website to do your research.

3. Print and read all articles and complete the Article Analysis Form (located under Assessment Details) for each of the three articles.

4. After carefully reading the three articles, draft a two-page Executive Summary (synopsis) using the format of an Executive Summary memo. According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Ed, (2000), the word synopsis is defined as "A brief outline .. . a summary!'

5. Identify three themes that relate to the purpose of the memo (how different communications technologies are impacting on the way we communicate at work) to form the structure for the body of your work. Examples of themes could be: mobile work¬from-home; unified communications; and closer collaborations) Support for each theme must come from at least TWO of your THREE sources. Use one quotation in each section from one of your three sources.

6. Each theme requires a heading which should be clearly, logically and accurately labelled since headings reveal the organisation of the paper and permit quick reference to specific information. They also make the paper easy to read.

7. Write the two-page Executive Summary in a plain serif (e.g. Times New Roman) or sans (e.g. Arial) font. A serif font is easier to read. Suggested sizes are 12 for the text and 14 for the headings. Double or 1.5 space. Put page numbers in line with the right margin at the bottom of each page. The Reference List must be on the third (seperate) page.

8. You will need to use SCU Harvard style to document your sources within the text and in the Reference List.

9. Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide.

PRIOS/CDT brief (covered in lecture and tutorials) or Assessment 1:
a. Purpose: To identify how different communications technologies are impacting on the way we communicate at work.
b. Reader: Your boss (who is keen to understand more the challenges and opportunities of technology on corporate communication).
c. Information: Three (3) articles.
d. Organisation: Direct order format.
e. Style: Formal.
f. Channel choice: Written document.
g. Document design: Memo format.
h. Length: 500 words.

Attachment:- Article Analysis Form.rar

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